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OCR: he diseased. ST. MATTHEW. 5 Christ's sermon in the d of Zab'u-lon, and the A. D. 81. 2 And he opened his h tha-lim, by the way k 1w. 9. 1. 2. taught them, saying, 923 yond Jor'dan, Gal'1-lee Z IN. 42. 7. 3 0 Blessed are the poor lles; Luke 2. 32. m Mark 1.14, for their's is the kingdom ople which sat in dark- 15- n ch. 3. 2; 4 º Blessed are they in the mount. eat light; and to them 10. 7. o Mark 1. 16, for they shall be comforter ST. MATTHEW. 5 the region and shadow 17, 18. 5 d Blessed are the meck. Luke 5. 2. shall inherit the earth. Christy sermon A.D. 81. and not faut thy whole body should ht is sprung up. p John 1. 42. .dom of heaven, but whosonver shall be cast into hull. n that time Je'gus be- Luke 5. 10, 11. 6 Blessed are they which h, and to say, "Repent :r. Mark 10,28, to and teac ...